
Restyle: See My Vest

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If you hadn't already noticed, a lot of our DIYs around here involve chopping bits off things.  This vest was no exception.  Call it "deconstructed" if you will...

DIY Details
This sleeveless vest was originally a lovely (albeit slightly too big) blazer.  However, inspired by the street style at Sydney's fashion week earlier this year, I was determined to lop off the sleeves and make myself a vest.
Again, S's distressed jeans make a feature - quick work for those skilled at handling sharp objects.

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Photos by Sab

DIY vest - Salvos ($14.99)
Black top - Cue
DIY distressed jeans - Anglicare ($3)
Python print heels - Red Cross ($6)
Ray Ban Clubmaster sunglasses

xx T


  1. Great outfit...and a question: how do you get your backgrounds so lovely and blurry? I have a fairly fancy Canon camera but I am guilty of always using the auto setting and I only get blurry backgrounds in closeups. Any quick tips for portraits like yours? Thanks so much :)

  2. Hi Megan! (kudos for doing the Restyle challenge along with us!!)
    With the kit lens, you want to get the largest aperture possible to make the backgrounds blur (yup, you'll have to stop using auto mode - try aperture priority mode). Otherwise, I usually shoot with a 50mm f1.8 lens (and Sab shot all our Restyle photos with a similar prime lens). Have a google around; there's much better instructions online than I could ever give you :)

    xx T

  3. Thank you for the reply. I have been googling and practising. Hopefully I'll get there! Great blog, by the way. I would love to see more info on your DIYs!

    1. Thanks Megan!

      We usually do proper instructions for our DIYs, but we thought it'd be overkill to do 30 days worth of it. We do have rather full-on lives outside of this blog...

      xx T


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