
Silky smooth

If you look at my wardrobe, or maybe just run your hands over it, you'd know I have a little obsession with silk. Sometimes I just buy silk things (scarves, shirts, etc etc) just because they feel so beautiful!

This happens especially in op shops, where I have a strange mentality of 'saving' the item by taking it home (perhaps I need some help there) and feel guilty if I leave a beautiful item there at risk of being taken home by an ungrateful wearer! (Perhaps I need help with that too)
images via stockholmstreetstyle, karla's closet, jakandjil

xx S

PS: Stay tuned for a feature of our own favourite silk items!

1 comment:

  1. I luv silk too!.
    Feels and looks so good it hurts!.
    The 4th photo is my favorite, the combinations of yellows and the textures blow my mind :).




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