
Sparkly Boot DIY Recap

With the Sparkly Boot DIY having inspired a few spin-offs around the DIY-world (& our sparkly boot post hitting nearly 10,000 views - we are blown away!!), we think it is safe to say they warrant a recap.  Keep scrolling down; we have tried to collect images of all the amazing sparkly boots that other talented bloggers have created!

(In case you're wondering, we definitely don't claim to have inspired every sparkly boot that ever was born, don't worry!  We're humble little bumble bees.)

It was Style Crusader photo (below) that created the spark that lit T's DIY flame.

And then T's sparkly boots were born:

Some more amazing boots:

These from Glitter & Goat Cheese - so perfect with the more subtle fine-glitter finish!
These made by A
These beauties made by A Sequin Dress at Breakfast 
These from See Jane  

And some more by Makena Cahill on Twitter!

If you have DIY-ed some sparkly boots (inspired by T or not!), send us a link & we'll add it here!!
I mean, the more glitter we see, the happier we are... right!?

As per usual, there is a LOT more where that came from.  Literally!  T has another glittery DIY to show you very soon :)

xx S&T


  1. I DEFINITELY will be attempting this after exams! :))

  2. Lovely boots.. its really stunning us!.. We hope to have those items!

    Much love from the SABO SKIRT girls!
    SHOP: www.saboskirt.com
    BLOG: www.saboskirt.blogspot.com

  3. mad boots. defs will try this DIY


  4. That's awesome guys - well done! I must have my own sparkly boots SOON!

  5. LOVE these. I saw the original post and have been meaning to DIY a pair myself... certainly must get on that asap! :)

    <3 Shawna

  6. Love the boots! Defo have to try this!


  7. Wow these are amazing! really wanna try this out :) thanks for the comment on my blog now following! x

  8. Ooooh, thanks for linking to mine!! Yay!
    I'm wondering -- has anyone else had trouble with cracking? The boots I used are pretty soft/flexible, and my glitter is cracking off in the ankle area. So sad!


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