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Skye & Staghorn

You can call off the worldwide search for the perfect sporty-but-not-for-racing bathers. I have basically found my lifetime's worth of ideal swimwear repertoire in this one label, Skye & Staghorn.


Now to see if I can justify the cost, even though I'm spending most of Summer in the cold...

(Available here at The Grand Social, if you're interested)

xx S



One With Each Other

If you live in Perth & are free on December 14th, do yourself a favour and get a ticket to the Each With Each Other charity fashion parade.  The show features some of our favourite local designers (Ange Lang! Wild Horses!) & is raising money for a cause that is close to home for most families at some point in time.

amber's charity thing

Tickets here for $50, including beverages, canapés & an amazing show.

(A bargain, considering fashion shows in this little town are usually $70 upwards, include zero food or bevs, and are raising money for nobody in particular)

xx S&T



Clarisonic Mia 2 - The 6 Week Shake-up!

Continuing on with the skincare and beauty happenings on this blog, I can finally announce that I have joined the Clarisonic club after a good year of ruminating on whether or not to buy one!

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Fuelled by frustration with my skin since September (allergies, dry flakiness, more allergies, and more flakiness!!) I bit the bullet after one long day of study and bought the new Mia 2 from Sephora.  It arrived last week and I've been waiting to pick it up from Simon's house since then.  

A bit about the Mia 2

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It's the same as the original travel-sized Mia, but features two speeds instead of one.
For those who haven't come across the Clarisonic before, think of it as a giant toothbrush for your face. It is touted to gently exfoliate the skin and do a much better job than your hands alone, and the whole process takes a measly 1-minute to do.  In the photo above is my brother, showing you how it's done.  Apparently it tickles!

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I purchased mine off Sephora in a package deal which included an extra head and some samples (shown above), but you can get the original Mia for a similar price in Australia online, such as here.  Also, who doesn't love the freebies from Sephora??  Those nail stickers will be coming out to play in December.

A bit about my skin

Here's some photos from Saturday morning before work, which I haven't used the adjustment-brush tool on.  (Of course, white balance and cropping was done, but nothing more - we like to be truthful here!).  Admittedly my skin didn't look too bad then, but when I came home from work my jawline and forehead were off to flaky-town, urgh.  Also, my pores are perpetually like, "hey y'all!  Jump on in!" to bacteria, so something to stop them doing this would be greatly appreciated.

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Since my teens, "oil-slick" has been an appropriate descriptor for my sensitive dermatological state.  Except until 2 months ago where I reacted pretty badly to my brother's face-wash (and then some more with the Spring weather), went into a frenzied state of exfoliating, and am now stuck with dry skin.  Boo :( 

I'd much prefer oily to be honest, and you can see that my makeup in the photo on the right doesn't sit very well on my face.  Let's hope this helps it out by cutting down my previously (very) abrasive skincare routine! 

And now, the 6-week plan!

It's 6 weeks because I just chose an arbitrary number of weeks to carry out my experiment in.

Firstly, I've gone back to basics with my face-wash (sorbolene and phisohex) since my face has decided to revolt against Neutrogena which I've used for years.  Secondly, since my skin is pretty damaged at the moment from all my scrubbing, I'll be slowly introducing the Clarisonic over a couple of weeks.  All my other skin routines will stay the same.  
Thus the plan of attack will be:

Week 1: twice a week
Week 2: 4 times a week
Week 3 - 5: nightly 
Week 6: nightly, and if I think it might be appropriate, in the morning too

I'll update you on my progress when I have the time to (20 days to exams, not that anyone's counting)!
Wish me luck, and ask as many questions as you like!

xx T


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A trip is not complete with just the voyage itself.  No way Jose.  Packing is all part of the fun & seeing as it is socially unacceptable to start packing months before, I'll have to settle with planning the packing.

(Tip: plan your makeup packing, otherwise you will definitely take too much/forget something crucial e.g. foundation. Then you'll be stuck looking like a hag for the first few days. Unless, of course, you're naturally flawless...)

Makeup packing essentials
Items (clockwise from top left): Napolean Perdis AutoPilot primer, Chanel Les 4 Ombres eyeshadow, Clinique Chubby sticks in Super Strawberry & Woppin' Watermelon, Napolean Perdis makeup brushes  (16b, g18 & 9b), Nars "Shanghai Express", Revlon "Fire & Ice", Chanel eyebrow pencil, Givenchy Magic Khol eyeliner, Benefit "They're Real!" mascara, Lancome Teint Miracle foundation.

Any suggestions for packing?  Things you find super useful or completely useless when travelling?

xx S

Edit: I forgot to include PawPaw cream in the collage!  So silly.  Will have to put it in my plane-essentials packing list ;)


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The Dreamers

The Dreamers

Can't you just feel the Summer vibes oozing from this photo?

It's by Caitlin Worthington, my Perth-based photographer idol, and it was taken at Rottnest for an upcoming fashion show as part of this year's Fremantle Festival!

The event is called "The Dreamers", and it will feature a selection of the port's top designers who will be showcasing pieces from their upcoming collections.  You can get more details by checking out the event page here.  We hear that it'll be a different sort of show, where you'll be able to move around the stages and podiums to check out the fashion from all angles - how exciting!  Be aware however, that numbers are limited so you'll have to RSVP to secure a spot.

The details are:

"The Dreamers"
Moores Building Contemporary Art Gallery, Fremangle
Sunday 4th November
Doors open 6pm, show starts 7pm
18+ only

RSVP to rsvp@alloftheabovecreative.com

The kicker is that S and I won't be able to go, since we'll be in lock-down 11 days out from exams.  So we hope you'll be able to go and enjoy it on behalf of us!

Arghhh, exams ruining everything.

xx T

P.S. stay tuned for details of more Perth events which we probably won't be able to go to - but you certainly can!


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Clog Style

Alright, that is it.  I'm getting the bloomin' clogs I've been going on about for a few years now.
(T is probably thinking yay finally she'll stop going on about them!)

Image from Vanessa Jackman

Might use these as one of my 'well done, self, keep studying!' gifts.

Some clog options here: black, tan, or multicoloured!

xx S



Style Challenge: Runners

Couldn't bring myself to study this morning since the weather was so glorious, so I went outside for a bit of jump-rope before buckling down again!  Yes, skipping - my favourite primary school activity outside of art class!

In honour of me actually making it into the sunshine and doing a scrap of exercise (you should all go buy a lotto now), here is this post - harking back to this style challenge from S before we started August.  Golly me, a long time ago!

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Of course this get-up features my beloved Nike Lunarglides - seen here.

Also seen:
Nike top
Zara skirt
Portmans belt

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Photos by Sab

If you don't recall the challenge (and haven't mustered the strength to click the link at the top, you lazy sod), then I will remind you that S asked me to style runners or Converse sneakers with a skirt.  And I wasn't allowed to look like a middle aged lady on her way to work.

Is this look sporty (but street-style-esque) enough for you, S?

I'm keen to break out my comfy sports shoes more in street wear, a la The Man Repeller & Style Scrapbook.  What do you think?  Could I get away with it?

xx T



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camo pants garance dore

Unless you’ve been living under a sartorial rock for the entirety of this year’s fashion weeks, you’ll be aware that what comes around has come around again – that is, camo print is back with a vengeance!  I’ve got to admit, I was a huge fan of it in the nineties, sporting both a tank top AND a singlet dress in my all time favourite print. 

Anyway, after trawling through eBay during study-breaks and loading up my saved list with these oversized camo jackets, Dad arrived back from China bearing the perfect camo-print jeans from Zara (the same ones as in the pictures below)!  Stylistically, probably a better choice for me (vs the baggy jacket) as I am small-framed and therefore easily swamped by oversized clothes.  Thank you to my cool Dad!

Here’s some inspiration pictures I’ve been hoarding to get me motivated to break out the pants in style (which you can see is featured in a few of the photos below).  Will post an outfit post with them once I find some reward-from-study time and a secluded alleyway.   

 thegoldendiamondsstockholm streetstyle

Photos from 1 (The Golden Diamonds), 2 (Stockholm Streetstyle), 3 (Oh My Vogue)

Looks like I'll be needing to match them with some strappy sandals or point stilettos...
I'll save that for my next study break - it's time for some breakfast then back to the books.  


xx T


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Cover Up!

Inspired by T wearing her own leather cap yesterday, I thought I'd share this sporty outfit with you!
With a(nother) weekend of study coming up, I don't know how much beach time we'll get, but I'll try to get my dose of Vit D through these photos ;)

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One of my favourite bloggers Zanita, is quite fan of caps (e.g. 1, 2, 3) & while I may be nowhere near as sporty-cool, I can try :P

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Photos by Sab

Cap - eBay
Pants & singlet - Country Road
Jacket - hand me down from little sis
Shoes - converse (bought for $8 at the swap meet! Bargain!)

T found these awesome leather caps on eBay & never have I ever felt so keen to be sunsmart even when it's barely sunny.  Caps in the shade?  Caps indoors?  Can do!

But seriously, cover up, peeps.  Skin cancer is not cool.

xx S


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Oh Alice!

Whilst this break from more-frequent posting is going pretty well, I've got to admit, I miss our little bloggy a lot!  Therefore, whilst not blogging every day, S and I will be putting up posts as study-rewards to ourselves.  Mind you, we are studying a LOT at the moment so expect a fair few more posts this week.  Hopefully. 

But enough about study - check out this cool printed dress by Alice McCall!  So cool, I had to make a .gif out of the photos.

Alice McCall 
Floreale Dress in blush and mint

I am a sucker for a good print.

x T


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"Spiking" something has got to be the most simple DIY technique ever ever ever.
It may be time consuming & kill your fingers, but the deadly results are always worth it.

zara bag
Image from Zara.com

Take this Zara bag, for example.  Easily DIY'ed if you have the right bag & some supplies.
Tis very similar to this chain strap bag we DIYed for the Restyle project.

T also made some cuffs & a denim vest.  You can never have enough spikes!
(blatant lie)

If you've got zero time & not much cash to burn, a spiked necklace or two might have you covered.

xx S


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A Stylish Outfit for Lazy Girls

All study and no play makes S&T daggy PJ-wearing girls!
(seriously, if anyone could see me now, it'd be RIP blog)

Photo from StockholmStreetstyle

This is pretty much what I'd like to be wearing right now.  Such a lazy outfit, without looking daggy at all.

Emmanuelle Alt, editor of Vogue Paris, is a repeat offender at wearing comfy wearable outfits.
Quite funny really, considering she probably has any designer at her beck & call.

xx S
Le.Fanciulle. All rights reserved. © 2025 Maira Gall.