
Happy Sunday!

Trout-pouting in the carpark

We had a night on the town yesterday, at a friend's 21st!  We both didn't have our respective other halves with us, so we could do a little rampaging.  That was, until we both felt fatigued at the very late time of 12am and thus proceeded to MacDonalds for a midnight snack.

Anyway, we've got some uni assessments popping up, but we'll still be posting as regularly as possible (pretty much every day!!) so wish us luck!  What's in store for this week will be some final round-ups from NYFW, a quick outfit post, and whatever else takes our fancy.  

Tune in tomorrow for a new post!

xx S & T

P.S. we both have Instagram (@lefanciulle and @stephvdm) if you feel so inclined to have a look into our daily lives!



  1. You pretty things. Good luck with the assignments. x

  2. I went out on the weekend as well for a girls night, and we were all yawning and ready for bed by midnight (it's shocking, isn't it?). Enjoy the assignments girls, I'm missing them dreadfully (I never said that). :)


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